The idea for Hey! I’m Trans was inspired by the real-life experience of an art director named Maddi. She knew she was trans but didn’t know how to tell everyone else. She turned to the internet, but it was information overload. Enter Maddi’s new boss, Chris, who as luck would have it, had come out in the mid-90s. Maddi confided in him, and he became her guide throughout her coming out process. That got Maddi thinking…Wouldn’t it be cool if everyone coming out could have a Chris? 

Cloning sounded hard. So she thought of something else: A simple, fun platform designed to help people come out to the different groups in their lives. 

Excitement for the idea spread and a team of talented and passionate creative people (both trans and allies) banded together to bring Hey! I’m Trans to life.

When the team brought the idea to us, we thought it was just what the trans community needed. And, as a non-profit peer support organization run by and for trans people, we wanted to do our part to help make it happen.

We believe claiming your identity is something that should be celebrated, not feared. And we look forward to the day when nobody thinks twice about saying or hearing, “Hey! I’m trans.”